
Anthony Bronaugh

I am the owner of AB Education & Behavior Consulting, LLC.

About Me

Anthony Bronaugh Sr. is the owner of AB Education & Behavior Consulting, LLC. AB Education & Behavior Consulting helps schools and organizations to achieve at their highest level using applied behavior analysis techniques along with social and emotional learning. The firm coaches and assists first- and second-year teachers, administrators, and students struggling with behavioral concerns. It trains on social and emotional learning, parental involvement strategies, and overall school climate and culture.

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Recent News

June 9, 2023

Mastering Discipline: A Manual for Reaching Your Objectives

As human beings, we often struggle with discipline. Whether sticking to a diet, hitting the gym regularly, or pursuing our career goals, we fall short of what we set out to achieve. But what if I told you that mastering discipline is not only possible but crucial to attaining your dreams? This article’ll explore why […]

Anthony Bronaugh
May 18, 2023

Courage and Determination: The Keys to Success and Fulfillment

Courage and determination are two essential qualities that have the power to transform lives and lead to extraordinary achievements. From facing personal challenges to pursuing dreams and goals, these attributes play a crucial role in overcoming obstacles and reaching new heights. In this article, we will delve into the depths of courage and determination, exploring […]

April 14, 2023

Ways to Stay Disciplined and Motivated

Discipline is critical to success. It allows us to progress towards our goals and achieve desired results. However, staying disciplined can be a challenge for many people. We often find ourselves procrastinating, getting distracted, or losing motivation. This article will discuss five ways to stay disciplined and motivated in achieving your goals. Set Clear and […]

March 31, 2023

Recruiting and Retaining Teachers in the Post-Pandemic Era

Let’s begin with acknowledging that education has changed since the pandemic of 2020.  Many teachers, administrators, and support staff have left the profession for various reasons without recruiting and hiring more than districts have lost.  Many educators share that inappropriate student behavior, school violence across the country and the lack of resources (including pay) have […]

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